What is Bible?

Who is Jesus?

Was there the  

Why Jesus is 
the only way

Shroud of Turin 

confirms Bible

Science and Religion

What is Evolution?

Coded Bible

About the Jews 

Prostitute -the 
false church

Society of Jesus 

Knights of a Temple 



Blood of Satan 
- Cain

Fallen Angels

Devil creations

Here are dragons

Fairys, Naga...Gods

Are genetic defects - 
price of evolution? 

Another World

Aliens or old gods?


His Name  

How old the mankind?

Book of Daniel

"Revelation" of John

The signs of times 

Mark of the beast

Let me introduce:  Satan

The will of God

Prayer of Jesus




People – snakes are voluptuaries, tempers and vampires, they need constant injection of a new genetic material of the human race. It is possible, that the sexual relations with a man are necessary for them to not lose some abilities, such as occurrence in the human image, and blood, sexual energy and energy of fear, which they receive from the victims, is necessary to them for maintenance of their energy. As to demons Pazuzu, they do not need blood; however aspire to contacts with the man through magic with the purpose of submission of the man. Having trusted Pazuzu once, the man can completely fall under their control down to destruction of his own individuality and death. Demons installed in the man are Pazuzu. Sometimes Pazuzu occurred to the man in the form of a dragon or a winged snake. Pazuzu are also interested in pollution of human blood, therefore they entered the sexual relations with people, preferring royal families.

Nagas need the contacts with a man not only to «satisfy their needs», the myths of all peoples tell about their strange persuasive desire to have children from a man. Their children are often born under ground, sometimes they remain on the surface. It is done with the purpose: 1) to deform the genetic stock of mankind; 2) in the days people with their genes will be their assistants in their final war against God (this is what D.Ike spoke about above). For this purpose they kidnapped people into the dungeon or underwater empires (the folklore contains lots of similar stories); tempted or raped at night or in deaf places the lonely ( below there is an illustration to the Japanese story about the girl Tamatory the diver for pearls.

An annoying young man, catching her in lustful desire, turned into a dragon); concluded the contracts with a man, according to which in exchange of the sexual affairs they promised to satisfy any wish of the man (as in the Russian fairy tale «Stone flower» the perfect empress of a mountain who could accept the shape of a lizard, promised to the foreman – stone cutter to grant him with the excellent talent of creation magnificent things from stone, if he would stay with her under ground for several years).

However more often these monsters preferred marriages especially royal and aristocratic ones. These super clever reptiles wanted their descendants to occupy the leading positions. And to conserve and strengthen their genes with the help of new genetic injections in these noble families they inspired them that it is necessary to keep the "purity" of royal or noble blood, and they should not search for the spouses among the people of not royal or “ignoble” blood.

In the legends of all countries there are similar stories about how the amphibians taking, the shape perfect girls or young men, just «getting themselves out of skin», achieving the marriage with the man from imperial family. In Russia the reflection found in fairy tales "Princess-Frog", "Sadko" etc.; in Europe and the USA is a fairy tale "Prince-Toad" and others. Remember, how the frog, having caught the Prince Ivan's arrow, implored him, that he would never regret about his choice, and insisted, that he should have taken marry her. Remember, how after several transformations into a perfect girl Prince Ivan burnt out the frog's skin, and the dragon carried away the beauty frog. You see it is the same ancient conflict: the dragon Pazuzu withdraws the princess-Naga away from the human society.


                           The illustration to an English fairy tale "Laidly Worm".

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